Discover This Natural Breakthrough That Allows You to Support Your Immune System and Your Body's Defenses, Even if Lung Troubles Run in Your Family.
ImmunaGenix Guarantee

Better immunity. Strength and protection against flus, bacteria, viruses and other invaders. Improved digestion. More energy. Greater mental agility. Better overall health. These are just a few of the life-enhancing benefits you will enjoy with a stronger immune system.

If you or a loved one are looking for a way to significantly improve your immunity, build your resistance against viruses, protect your heart health and give yourself 24-hour protection against pathogens and viral invaders, then this breakthrough new product ImmunaGenix is the game-changer you have been waiting for!

Real People From Our Pilot Study

Just listen to what a few of the people in our test group had to say about ImmunaGenix.
Everyone in the study highly recommends it.

"I'm 72 years old and not taking any chances. The research behind this product are incredible. It's astonishing what is happening. I'm glad my wife and I have this product."
Anthony C., New Haven, CT5 star review

"The science on Beta-Glucans is overwhelming. I don't care about the science, all I know is what it has done for me and my wife - we both feel years younger and full of energy! I had no idea immune health would affect everything. I love this stuff."
Jack P., Boca Raton, FL5 star review

"Your immune system is number one when you get in your 60's. Everything else takes a back seat. This also has impressive studies and trials on helping the cardiovascular system. In my opinion it would be foolhardy not to take this product. Dr. Danoff is a serious and highly respected physician, who drew on his contacts at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and elsewhere to make this great product happen."
Jimmy C., Beverly Hills, CA5 star review


How many bottles should I order?
Since this is a special introduction promotion I suggest you stock up as much as you can since the prices will never be this low again. Plus, given some of the uncertainty in the world right now with international transportation, we have been warned we might run in to some shut downs or significant delays with our suppliers in France and Norway.

How long does a bottle last and how do I use ImmunaGenix?
Each bottle contains 60 capsules and is a 30-day supply. You take the capsules in the morning with breakfast.

What are the ingredients in ImmunaGenix?
The key ingredient is our super-extracted and purified sources of Beta-Glucans from oats, mushrooms and yeast. We use what are known as the 1,3/1,6 chain of Beta Glucan. This is the best form known to man - the Rolls Royce of the species. Our formula is rounded out with Vitamin C, Zinc and the star polyphenol flavonoid Quercetin. These four ingredients work together synergistically where together, they enhance the benefits of each ingredient.

Supplement Facts

How safe is ImmunaGenix?
ImmunaGenix is completely safe. It only contains 100% natural ingredients. The formula has been proven and tested in independent third party laboratories.

ImmunaGenix BETA GLUCANS: beta glucans ingredients

Yeast beta glucan from saccharomyces cerevisiae is a powerful natural source of immune strength. The beta 1,3/1,6-D-glucan found in yeast binds to the Dectin-1 receptor on macrophages, a key cell in the immune system. This activates them and allows them to better fight pathogens to keep us healthy.

Mushroom beta glucan, specifically from Reishi mushrooms, contains the 1-3/1-6 chain of beta glucan, which is believed to be responsible for many of the health benefits attributed to medicinal mushrooms. Reishi mushrooms have been studied for their effects on the immune system, and are considered biological response modifiers.

Oat beta glucan is a powerful soluble dietary fiber that contributes to both heart health and regulation of gut health. Oat beta glucan has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol, improve digestion, and elevate collagen production for healthier looking skin.

Purity immune supplement purity

Our yeast, oat and mushroom Beta Glucans are sourced from the highest quality manufacturers in the world. Then we use a proprietary extraction and purification process that turbo-charges the potency.

Dosage dosage

ImmunaGenix is completely different than the low quality supplements that you see filling the shelves of your local drug store. We circled the globe to find the best source of ingredients.

source beta glucan source

We wanted to find the perfect Beta-Glucan on the planet, which lead us to France, Norway and Belgium. There we found the world’s purest Yeast Beta 1-3/1-6-D-Glucan, has been proven to boost, support and enhance and support the human immune system in hundreds of clinical studies.

ImmunaGenix KEY BENEFITS: key health benefits
Skyrocket Your Immune Health

There is overwhelming published evidence supporting Beta Glucans in their ability to regulate and boost the human immune system. A powerful immune system helps fighting off pathogens that can make you sick.

Balance Gut Health

Your gut health and digestion are also key factors to your immune health. Clinical studies indicate that supporting the immune system through daily consumption of Beta Glucan can naturally assist with overall health.

Heart Health Benefits

Mountains of evidence from clinical studies show that oat Beta Glucans works to help to reduce cholesterol. In fact, the evidence is so overwhelming, that the FDA allows making a claim that it is good for your heart. And of course, it is dynamite for your immune system too!


Beta Glucans are polysaccharides found in yeast, vegetables, mushrooms, and oat bran. They have been clinically shown and are widely believed to be one of the most powerful compounds for immune system support. There are over 8,500 peer-reviewed articles that discuss their benefits in leading scientific journals. To unlock the full potential of beta glucans, they must be from the right source, of high purity, and of sufficient dosage.

Mushrooms are Immune-Fighting Super Warriors!

What if it doesn't work for me? Is there a guarantee?
We know that individual bodies can react differently to the very same compounds. Even though the science shows that ImmunaGenix can benefit everyone, we realize that results can vary. So, if you're unsatisfied with this product for any reason whatsoever after a full 90 days of use, we will return your money 100%, hassle-free and courteously ... guaranteed. So you risk nothing.

When can I expect results?
Fast. Our test group all reported feeling better in under 7 days on average, with most feeling the difference in under 10 days. The great news is that those with the worst immune systems seem to feel it quicker, as their immune systems are in such bad shape that even a few days of ImmunaGenix is enough to generate an improvement.

The Immune-Boosting Power in ImmunaGenix Also Comes From Adding In Quercetin.

The Combination Delivers Unprecedented Results!

Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It is found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo biloba, St. John's wort, American elder, and others. Buckwheat tea has a large amount of quercetin. People use quercetin as a medicine.

Every Day The Cells In Your Body Are Fighting Off 2 Silent Threats:
Silent Threat #1 Cells That Are Attacked By Radicals & Toxins

Our body are under constant attack from bacteria, flu, viruses and other invaders looking to attack our upper respiratory system.

If they succeed in their attack it can have devastating consequences...

But thankfully ImmunaGenix sparks our immune cells to be highly active and to fight back, attacking and destroying what doesn't belong in our system. It's like having your own team of armed guards fighting off invaders so you remain safe.

So let's talk about...

Silent Threat #2 Weakened and Starved Cells

You might not know this, but all the cells in your body, especially those related to your digestion, play a vital role in the health of your immune cells. When you're run down, stressed and eating poorly or just getting older, your cells don't perform like they should.

This leaves your immune cells weak and susceptible to colds and flus and other respiratory troubles.

But with ImmunaGenix...

...suddenly your immune cells get the nourishment they need. It's like putting fertilizer on your lawn. Quickly, (and even more quickly if your immune system is run down) your immune cells strengthen and all aspects of your system improve, including your heart health. Every cell in your body gets an upgrade making them feel like they are reborn and rejuvenated.

They Sparkle To Life Again!

The Immune-Enhancing Benefits of Beta Glucens
Are Second To None!
blood flow

The ingredients contained in ImmunaGenix’s proprietary blend literally flood the cells of your arteries with a Tsunami of Life Giving Nutrients that helps support healthy blood pressure.

ImmunaGenix Is Completely Different Than The Low Quality Supplements That You See Filling The Shelves Of Your Local Supermarket

Those Big companies get HUGE price breaks to crank out millions of bottles of Low-Quality supplements, pills and potions.

Which is the exact opposite of what we do here at Verified Nutrition. We use the most cutting edge research and then circle the globe to find the very best ingredients in the most pure formulations.

But That Literally Limits the Supply Of This Amazing Supplement We Have In Our First Production Batch Because Our Beta-Glucan Comes From France and Norway…

But you can get your own personal supply of ImmunaGenix as a member of our VIP Test Group. You’re about to get an opportunity to try The Rolls- Royce® of Immunity Supplements...

This Means That Harnessing these amazing Ingredients is as Easy as Clicking the Button for the Package of Your Choice At the Bottom of This Page...

Which Is Why You Must
Take Action NOW!
line break

But before you do, picture this for me now:

Picture The Confidence And Excitement You’re Going To Feel Flooding Into Your Body!

Imagine your strengthened immune system, your healthy heart, your focused youthful mind, the energy, and abundant reservoirs of energy...

And then imagine all of this without the worry…

With ImmunaGenix and our team of researchers always striving to find the next, best, most cutting edge improvements and enhancements in the areas of health that matter, and your immune health takes center stage right now, you can rest assured...

You’ll Never Have To “Go It Alone”

Here’s the situation though. You’re really going to need to Act Right Now. We’ve only set aside a certain number of bottles for our VIP Membership.

When They’re Gone... They’re Gone.

So Right NOW You Have Two Options, As I See It…

Option 1…

You can keep spending hundreds of dollars on new health books, curcumin pills and potions, and try to make it on your own with ZERO results.

Option 2…

(If we haven’t sold out by the time you read this…)
Join Us Right NOW and get Your personal supply of ImmunaGenix is on it’s way to you.

But Hurry.

I can’t stress this enough. You need to ACT NOW to secure your place in our VIP Test group. There are literally thousands of people on our website today, reading this very same information right now…

So you need to click it NOW below and fill out the information on the very next page to get your spot secured.

Because you’ve read everything all the way to this point, it becomes clear to me that two things are true about you…

Simply select how many bottles you want on the option below Before It Disappears...

However, If The Next Page Says “SOLD OUT” I Apologize in Advance But…Someone Else Has Already Taken Your Spot and, For Now, you’ve missed out on this fantastic opportunity.

90 day guarantee

I Urge You Not To Let That Happen, Make your selection below …And We’ll RUSH Your First Shipment of ImmunaGenix Straight to Your Door!

In Less Than 48 Hours After Receiving It...You Can Start Experiencing The Immune-Boosting Support to help you be ready for anything that tries tov knock you off your game!


It’s Really That Easy... line break immunagenix

Just Click The Button To See If You Made The Final Cut and To See If Your Spot is Still Available…


Remember... if You’re not satisfied for ANY reason, you can return the unused portion of your ImmunaGenix and get a FULL Money-back refund. You really have nothing to LOSE!

So get your order in before it’s too late. There’s no time to waste. I wish I could make that decision for you and press that button so I could personally guarantee that you’d get your spot… but it’s up to YOU now.

one month supply

Arrow One Bottle

Starter Pack

90 Day Guarantee


(This is a one time payment) BUY NOW! Rush My Order

three month supply

Arrow Three Bottles

3 Bottles

Regular Price: $69.95

Instant SAVINGS: $20

90 Day Guarantee


(This is a one time payment) BUY NOW! Rush My Order

six month supply

Arrow Five Bottles

6 Bottles

Regular Price: $419.70

Instant SAVINGS: $169.75

90 Day Guarantee


(This is a one time payment) BUY NOW! Rush My Order